วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

เที่ยว...หาดประพาส...จังหวัด ระนอง

Beach tour.

Beach beaches travel several kilometers long, sweeping fried. Parallel to the sea Tiws a tropical climate that invites relaxing seaside colors of sand, even as players are not white stone near the mangrove forest complete with the beautiful scenery but also the happiness of not less than that of other attractions. Ranong Province.

Getting to the beach tour.

Route 4 to the Ranong - Phang Nga, Ranong, approximately from the city. 90 km or 30 km from the district near the main Kaepars kilometers. Turn right into the 702 is approximately 3 km to the Park and Beach Protection Unit tour.

Interesting events in the Beach tour.

relax in peaceful atmosphere. Tropical beaches of the tour.

Stroll the beach playing sea.

Ranong Sea sightseeing.